Here’s why…

Summer is just around the corner and soon you’ll be itching to put your beloved boat in the water. Never worry about the time, hassle and wear-and-tear of trailering your boat again! Paradise boat lift owners enjoy the privilege of spending more time out on the water and less time dealing with the routine maintenance that comes with owning a boat. Docking is easier and safer; you’ll never have to worry about pulling out fenders and tying dock lines again. Eliminate damaging marine growth on your hull, which drastically helps maintains the resale value of your boat while increasing fuel economy and overall enjoyment. With an optional canopy or automatic boat cover you won’t even need to deal with the manufacturer’s tedious snap or zip on boat cover. When launching your boat is as easy as pushing a button (did you know you can even now do this off your smart phone!!), you’ll find yourself out on the water more often instead of doing the chores that come along with owning a boat.

At Paradise Dock & Lift we have a boat lift for all applications, whether you’re on Lake Okanagan, the Gulf Islands or in Greater Vancouver, we have a lift to suit you and your boat’s individual needs. From bottom-based lifts to floating systems, we have a product to make your life easier while protecting your investment and safety

Author: Yanek Buksowicz